Your summer guide to family health
Helping you hop, skip and jump your way to a healthier summer.

Published on 10/8/2022
Clinically reviewed on 10/8/2022 by Bryony Lathbury
It’s that time of year again, summer.
School's out, the sun is (hopefully) shining, and an extra ball or two is thrown into the life juggle of those with childcare responsibilities! There’s so much to think about; How do you afford to keep everyone healthy and happy, especially with the cost of living continuing to soar? How do you coax your little darlings away from their screens to be active? How will you keep everyone occupied the whole summer? Should you all be wearing sunscreen, even on a cloudy day? You’re working and Grandparents could be on hand, but are they physically healthy enough?
Fear not. Simplyhealth has got you and your family's heads, shoulders, knees, and toes covered! Read on to our Family Health guide to find out how.
Sun safety for the whole family
Getting out and about during the summer is brilliant for mental wellbeing as well as making memories with the family. One thing to consider though is the sun. The bright ball in the sky that, occasionally, makes an appearance in the British summertime. You need to make sure you're protected against it and be aware of what to look out for.
That's why we've written our Family sun safety article, to share a few tips for you to think about before heading out. We look at how you can stay safe in the sun, the signs of skin cancer, and what to do if you notice a suspicious mark. Remember it's always better to get that type of thing checked, it's not worth putting it off or ignoring.
Learn how you and the family can look after yourselves this summer, whether in the UK or abroad.
Health cover for the family
To enjoy 24/7 online GP access and much more, get our 1-2-3 Health Plan from £26 a month for parent and child cover.
Counselling for 16+ teens
When life gets a little overwhelming, qualified professionals are just a phone call away for Simplyhealth health plan holders, and their family and over 16 year old dependants who are named on their plan.
We make it simple for you and your family to stay mentally fit and healthy with our 24/7 mental health support and information services.
Using an online GP abroad
Home or away, the 24/7 online family doctor can see you today.
We offer our customers the SimplyPlan app. This is where you can access our 24/7 online GP service, wherever you are in the world, giving you peace of mind in your pocket (on your smartphone), whether you’re at home or abroad.
Discover how you can access the benefits of having an online GP in your pocket, wherever you are.
Osgood-Schlatter's Disease: The causes & treatment
Osgood-Schlatter’s Disease (OSD) is inflammation of the growth plate at the top of the tibia, or shin bone, usually where the tendon meets the bone at the front of the knee.
Take a look at what causes OSD, most common symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.
Learn more about Osgood-Schlatter’s Disease (OSD).