Why choose a Simplyhealth health plan?

By choosing a Simplyhealth plan for your employees, you'll be helping to maintain a healthy, motivated workforce.


Now, this may sound like the usual sell, but we have history and results to back it up.

Having formed in 1872, we've been in the healthcare industry for over 145 years. On top of that, you'll benefit from dedicated account management and ongoing marketing support. We want your employees to get the most out of their plans. And we want your business to see the benefits, too.

With our help, you can make healthcare more accessible to those vital to your business. We're trusted by over 3,500 corporate health and dental clients - you can read some of their success stories below.

Our roots

Health is a right, not a privilege. But getting help with health isn’t always easy. Healthcare access can vary depending on where you live, it can feel like it takes forever to get answers, it can be hard to fit into already busy lives, and it can be expensive. This is why we are here.

Formed in 1872, we’ve seen a lot of change within the healthcare industry, from the creation of the Hospital Savings Association (HSA) to the formation of the NHS. Throughout this period, we’ve adapted our service to accommodate the needs of our customers.

Our name and offering may have changed along the way, but our Purpose remains the same: to improve access to healthcare.

Man with arm around woman's shoulder and smiling at each other

How we help you support Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Our heritage has always been focussed on helping the community. Honoured through our charitable programmes and initiatives. 10% of our pre-tax profits are given to carefully selected, like-minded health charities. And our staff have volunteered almost 2,500 working hours to projects close to our hearts.

These community impact activities enable us to make a big difference. Your business can be a part of this. When you choose our plans for your employees, you allow us to continue this work. We can work together to improve health for all, supporting those that need it most.

Woman handing over crate of bread at a food bank

How we add value


The Management Information (MI) we provide

Using MI, we keep you up-to-date with useful insights on how your Simplyhealth plan is performing. We look at the data and usage of your plan and evaluate how effective it is. We also identify any underlying health issues within your business. 


Employee information is kept confidential. We build our MI without compromising privacy.


We provide MI reports regularly, not just at renewal. This means you can make the most of your wellbeing investment from the start.


Our account management

We strongly believe in having a single point of contact with our business partners. And this is where your account manager comes in. They'll get to know your business inside-out. They'll manage the implementation and ongoing maintenance of your plan. They'll answer, or find the answers to, questions about your plan. And they'll provide solutions for promoting it internally. Their purpose is to help you.


Want to learn more about our dedicated account managers? Understand how they can help, and what's included in our offering, below.

Our joining process

We’ve made our joining process as simple as possible, broken down into five easy steps. Once you have completed a registration form for your company, we do the rest.

Download the onboarding guide to find out more.

What our customers say

Download in-depth case studies from our customers. Find out what their employees get from their plans and how it's helped their business.

Ipeco corporate case study thumbnail

Ipeco: Simple, accessible healthcare

Providing an accessible health benefit, to support physical and mental wellbeing, that was easy for employees to use.

Baywater Healthcare corporate case study thumbnail

Baywater Healthcare: Cost-effective everyday health

Empowering an office-based and mobile workforce to look after their health and wellbeing at work, at home and on the go.

Millennium Care Homes corporate case study thumbnail

Millennium Care Homes: Improving wellbeing in the care sector

Supporting care home staff with their mental, emotional, and physical health and wellbeing to help the business retain their valued employees.

Thirteen Group corporate case study thumbnail

Thirteen Group: Providing a dynamic health solution

Supporting customers with homes, support and opportunities to grow. Thirteen has more than 1,500 staff, and offers access to the Optimise health plan to help support employee health and wellbeing.

Quotes from our customers

The health plan has become part of the very being of our organisation. It’s so much more than claiming some of your healthcare fees back. Simplyhealth have been really keen to get involved, and invest their time, resources and people in supporting our health and wellbeing strategy.


- Senior Reward Business Partner, Thirteen Group

[The health plan] allows staff to be seen quicker for health problems, instead of experiencing lengthy waiting times. We are very pleased and I would highly recommend Simplyhealth.


- Director, Millennium Care Homes

The benefit usage data that I receive from Simplyhealth helps to inform Virtual College's absence review meetings. I'm able to show our management team the ways we are supporting our employees with their health and wellbeing.


- HR Manager, Virtual College

As a busy HR Director, I don't have much spare time to book GP appointments, and so I have found the 24/7 GP access super helpful. I have also used the prescription service, and claimed it back through the cash back plan - it was such an easy process.


- HR Director, Millsted Care

The Scout Association has been providing its employees with Simplyhealth’s Simply Cash Plan since April 2006. During that time, we have received excellent service; employees particularly love the easy to use online portal and the swift reimbursement of their healthcare costs.


- Payroll and Pensions Manager, The Scout Association

I looked at several schemes and Simplyhealth gave us the best all-round benefits. These have been further enhanced since we joined four years ago. Some of the wellbeing material they offer to allow proactive health management is excellent. They’ll even work with you to develop bespoke marketing material to tackle any specific health issues you may have. We did a campaign on back care as many of our employees’ roles involve manual handling.


- CEO, Baywater Healthcare

We’re here for you

Our friendly sales team is ready to answer your questions or sign you up.

We’ve got lots of ways to get in touch, simply follow the link and make your choice!