Dedicated 24-hour support with health, legal or financial worries around dental care will soon be available on plans from Denplan, part of Simplyhealth.
From 1st April 2020 access to a 24-hour coping with dental anxiety helpline will be available to new and renewing customers on Denplan’s Lucent and Wellbeing plans.
The helpline, accessed via the Smile Centre, will offer up to four structured counselling sessions for each issue in each year, and can support customers with dental related anxiety, worry or stress.
We know that visiting a dentist can be daunting for people for a number of reasons including fearing pain, negative past experience or because of the financial stress.
We’ve therefore introduced this benefit to help remove some of those barriers and encourage people to visit a dentist regularly. Oral health is closely linked to overall health and so we hope that by supporting people to manage their anxiety or stress, it will have a positive impact on their mental and oral wellbeing.
Colin Perry, Head of Corporate Marketing & Direct Sales