Simplyhealth gains carbon neutral + status

Simplyhealth, a large employer in the local area providing health plans across the UK, has achieved Carbon Neutral + status from March 2021 for 12 months with Carbon Footprint Ltd.

The status was achieved by cutting our carbon emissions and then offsetting our remaining emissions whilst supporting three international energy efficiency projects aimed at helping communities in other parts of the world. These include a project in Sudan, which replaces stone fires with fuel efficient stoves, reduced deforestation and forest degradation in Brazil, and a borehole rehabilitation project in Uganda. In addition, Simplyhealth plans to plant some 500 trees in the UK in 2021.

To lower our carbon emissions, Simplyhealth purchases electricity which is independently certified as 100% ‘green’ under the Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin (REGO) scheme and proactively manage the reduction of our remaining emissions through our All Together Healthier project by, for example, switching our Fleet to hybrid and electric vehicles, sending zero waste to landfill, recycling as much of our waste as technically possible and recycling all of our computers and electrical waste. When calculating our carbon emissions, we include all of our direct and indirect emissions including the carbon emissions created by our colleagues working from home.

We are delighted to have achieved carbon neutral + status again in 2021 and that we have the opportunity to contribute to some innovative projects that are committed to making a positive impact on local communities and the environment in other parts of the world. At Simplyhealth, we understand that it is our responsibility to protect the resources and ecosystem of the planet upon which we are all dependent.

Gareth Williams, Director of Facilities and Environment at Simplyhealth


Carbon Footprint Ltd allows businesses and individuals to calculate their emissions using an online calculator or a consultancy service. Carbon Footprint Ltd gives advice on reducing emissions and offers a range of projects to which businesses can make a financial contribution to offset their remaining emissions.

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