Bereavement guide

Information you might find useful if you need to tell us about a bereavement


Contact us

If you're looking to contact us about a bereavement, please use our online form.

Policy cancellation

If the policy holder has died

We’ll cancel the policy from the day after the date of death. We’ll send a letter of condolence and confirm the cancellation in writing.

If the policy was paid through their payroll we’ll contact them and ask for the payments to stop.

If the policy was paid through their pension, and you ‘ve not done so already, please inform the pension provider to cease deductions.

If a person named on a policy (who is not the policy holder) has died

We’ll update the policy from the day after the date of death.

We’ll encourage the policy holder to review their plan to make sure they have cover in place that suits their needs and provides the best value for money.

Sometimes the monthly premium for the policy holder will not change because they have a policy where there is no extra charge to cover more than one adult. If this is the case, we’ll encourage the policy holder to consider transferring to an individual plan.

If you are the policy holder and you would like to make any changes to your policy, including cancelling your plan, please contact our Customer Options team who will be happy to help. You can get in touch with them on 0370 908 3304 or by email [email protected]

How can you continue with your cover?

If you’d like to stay with Simplyhealth and continue to have cover in place, you might need to take out a new plan in your own name. Alternatively, you may want to consider reviewing the type of plan you have in place to make sure it still suits your needs. Whatever changes you’re thinking about making, our Customer Options team are on hand to help. You can get in touch with them:

By phone on 0370 908 3487

By completing our online contact form and selecting ‘review /change my plan’

By emailing [email protected]

If you’re acting on behalf of the Next of Kin, we’ll need them to provide you with third party consent or ask you for confirmation of Power of Attorney to be able to discuss their details with you.

What we’d like you to know if you’re a Solicitor or Power of Attorney

If you’re acting on behalf of the deceased or deceased’s family, we’ll need you to confirm your contact details and a reference number for any correspondence.

Do you need to make a Hospital claim?

Hospital inpatient

This benefit provides a cash amount for each day or night the claimant was admitted to a hospital. The amount per day or night and the maximum number of days or nights that can be claimed per policy year, depends on the type of plan and the level of cover. This information can be found in the policy documents if available. Alternatively our Bereavement team will be able to confirm the entitlement available.

If the hospital benefit is available and there’s entitlement remaining, we’ll need confirmation of the admission date, the last day spent in hospital and the name of the hospital to be able to process the claim.

We make every effort to avoid requesting additional information at such a sensitive time, however there are some instances where we may request a death certificate, discharge summary or supporting documentation from the hospital or GP. A member of our bereavement team will get in touch with you to explain any requests for further information. We accept photocopies of Death Certificates and hospital documents.

Support from Simplyhealth

If you have a health plan with Simplyhealth, your wellbeing services may offer some support at this time.

24/7 counselling and advice services

Speaking to people you know can be useful for many problems, but sometimes you may want some support from a professional. Your call will be answered by a qualified counsellor or advisor. This ‘in the moment’ support can help with a range of subjects including:

  • Mental health concerns such as anxiety, low mood or depression

  • Support with renting or conveyancing - house buying and selling

  • Legal concerns (probate or power of attorney) and Financial issues

  • Emotional support* and stress management

*If you need emotional support, then you’ll be able to speak to someone who’s qualified in counselling or psychotherapy.

Other useful links

Help and bereavement support

Cruse Bereavement Care –
The Samaritans –
Age UK –

Funeral services

National Association of Funeral Directors –
The British Humanist Association –
The Natural Death Centre –

Financial and legal advice

The Probate Service –

Citizens Advice Bureau –

Let us know about a bereavement

We understand this is a difficult time, please accept our condolences. You can let us know about a bereavement by completing our online form.