How to cycle sync your workouts
Yes, cycle syncing is a thing. Learn how you can harness your period for ultimate performance.
You may have noticed, at different times throughout the month, some days you feel (and perform) like an Olympic athlete and others, well you’re sofa-bound, hot water bottle in hand and snacks within a 1ft radius. We get it, it’s hard. But did you know your hormones affect everything, including how you work out? Join us as we dive into a practical, advice-focused guide for how to maximise your workouts, in a safe, healthy and productive way.
Connecting your workout to your monthly cycle
The term ‘cycle syncing’ refers to optimising your monthly menstrual cycle to fit with your lifestyle. And, research has shown, by learning to harness your hormones and matching workouts to the different phases in our cycle, we can improve everything from stress to mood and performance 1,2.
Image description: A diagram explaining the four phases of the menstrual cycle:
Phase 1 – Menstruation (5 days)
Phase 2 – Follicular phase (6 days)
Phase 3 – Ovulation (5 days)
Phase 4 – Luteal phase (12 days).
Based on an average 28 day cycle

Menstrual: Think stretchy but strong movements
This is where your progesterone and oestrogen levels are at their lowest, meaning bloating and PMS may be rearing their heads… anything that can increase endorphins, serotonin and blood flow is bound to decrease these symptoms. So, think Yoga, Pilates and some gentle strength workouts. Basically, you want to negate the ‘negative’ effects of your bleed by replenishing serotonin and dopamine with this gentle approach to exercise and nourish your body.
Workout overview: Yoga, Pilates, Strength workouts
Follicular: The path of (some) resistance - plus a little cardio to get your heart pumping
Coming into your ‘Follicular’ phase, your energy should be beginning to rise. Think about upping your strength and resistance training whilst including some light cardio – if you feel like it. Why? This phase is when your body is more receptive to building muscle mass, so use this time wisely! Why not mix up jogging with walking weighted lunges and overhead squat presses to get the most out of this phase.
Workout overview: Light cardio, Dynamic strength
Ovulation: bring the energy!
This is your peak, your highest energy phase where you should be performing at your best and, doing it with ease thanks to higher levels of oestrogen and testosterone. Athletes have been known to try to time performances with this phase to maximise their results. In ‘normal’ terms this can look like intense HIIT sessions, circuit training and cardio.
Workout overview: HIIT, circuits, cardio
Luteal: Low, slow and serotonin boosting
The Luteal phase is very much a phase of two halves. At the beginning, progesterone rises which, for some, can have a depressant effect. The aim of this phase should be to really tune into your body, including low impact movement to boost serotonin and focus on sculpting and restorative movements. With performance dipping, this is the time for Yoga and gentle Pilates and sculpting movements. Rest and restore.
Workout overview: Yin Yoga, Pilates, walking
Listening to your body is a superpower and matching your workout choices to your period will ensure you get the most physically, mentally and emotionally from your workouts. Happy training!