Menstrual cycle awareness
Menstrual cycle awareness: Let's talk about periods.
Published on 23/10/23
Amended on 1/12/23
How to promote menstrual cycle awareness and support in the workplace
It’s high time periods were regarded as a normal part of life, not least because they directly affect almost half the population for a large part of their working lives.
Still a taboo subject for many, the ups and downs of the menstrual cycle can be a source of offence, shame or squeamishness. It's seen as something we as women and people who have periods 'just have to get on with' but it can sometimes be used to ridicule or blame 'irrational' or emotional behaviours.
We've come a long way in embracing the unique qualities that women and people who menstruate can bring to the workplace. But when it comes to recognising their different needs, a lot more could be done to offer a more open, supportive environment, particularly for those who struggle with the physical and mental effects of their menstrual cycle.
Along with our partners, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), we recently launched our latest Health and Wellbeing at Work report,1 which showed that only 18% of organisations surveyed included support for menstrual health to a moderate or large extent, with 55% offering none at all.
While 39% said they offered paid sick leave for menstrual health, only 22% offered adjustments to duties or tasks and 20% offered more breaks when needed. Fewer than a third provided free period products at work.

For a large percentage of us, painful cramps, abdominal discomfort, fatigue, and feeling low or anxious are all very common menstrual symptoms that can last from a couple of days to as long as a week at a time. The impact these experiences can have on their work can vary widely.
For women and people who have periods, physical discomfort can be exacerbated by their environment including sitting or being on their feet for long spells; for others, especially those who have heavy flows, discreetly managing the practicalities of frequent trips to the loo can be challenging and stressful.
While a proportion of women endure quite debilitating symptoms every month, particularly if they suffer from conditions such as endometriosis or fibroids, others experience severe discomfort only occasionally. There’s no question that this can impinge on workplace performance at times, though voicing it can leave women and people who have periods open to accusations that they're using it as an excuse or that they're not up to the job.
In one survey2, around one in seven said they had taken time off work or school during their period. Although just under 81% continued to work through their symptoms, they felt their productivity was significantly affected.

Research by Bloody Good Employers
Workplace accreditation program, Bloody Good Employers, found during their research that 89% of those surveyed had experienced anxiety or stress in the workplace due to their period yet 33% felt it was more professional not to mention menstrual health to their employer. A quarter reported feeling that time they had taken off due to menstrual health issues had impacted their career progression.
Being open and honest about the issue is the only way to find solutions. We know that our colleagues would want and expect the same level of understanding and respect for their parents, siblings, friends or partners at work.
Even small changes, made by a thoughtful, supportive employer, can make a huge difference to the workplace wellbeing of women and people who have periods. As well as fostering greater trust and loyalty, it can improve their confidence and ability to work to their full potential.
Support in the workplace
So let’s bring menstruation into the workplace conversation, break down those final taboos and free women to be themselves at work, any day of the month.
A note from us: where we refer to women, we recognise that many of the topics apply to those assigned female at birth, identify as female, exhibit female biological and/or physiological traits, or are interested in female health and wellbeing.