Improving access to healthcare via the workplace
Recommendations for how to make it easier for businesses to reverse the workforce sickness epidemic and reduce economic inactivity
Simplyhealth is working to improve access to healthcare for all in the UK
This report was produced in partnership with The Purpose Coalition – Britain's biggest campaign to break down the barriers to opportunity. The Coalition is made up of 800 organisations employing 8 million people, including Simplyhealth, who are committed to breaking down barriers to opportunity in the UK.
The urgency to make healthcare more accessible has never been clearer.
Out of the 2.8 million people that are economically inactive due to long-term sickness, nearly two-fifths suffer from five or more interlinked health issues, further complicating their return to work and making it essential that workplaces are equipped to cater for people with health conditions.
People with the lowest incomes are four times more likely to have multiple conditions1 than those with the highest incomes, meaning they stand to benefit most from health cover at work. That’s why we are working to support British business to provide whole of workforce health support.
Our research found that 70% of British businesses feel a greater responsibility to look after the health of their employees due to the NHS crisis2. They want to do more, however there are still barriers to in place.

This report sets out a series of recommendations for government to break down some of these barriers and enable businesses to better help the health of their workforces.
An action plan for breaking down barriers to accessing healthcare via the workplace
Barrier 1
Businesses are disincentivised to offer workplace health support such as low-cost health plans due to excessive tax burdens.
We must make it easier for businesses to invest in their people, particularly small businesses who will be more impacted by sickness.
Barrier 2
Industry’s voice is not heard and opportunities to collaborate are often missed.
Consistent collaboration and a frequent, open dialogue between government and the health cover sector will allow the full potential in supporting people to thrive in work to be reached.
Barrier 3
The conversation on workplace health is often only about traditional occupational health, which often treats people once they are ill.
Harnessing the potential of more preventative and early intervention workplace health offerings will help keep people well and in work, as well as getting them back to work quickly if they take time of sick.
Simplyhealth CEO, Paul Schreier:
“70% of British businesses feel a greater responsibility to look after the health of their employees due to the NHS crisis. The Government can harness the potential role businesses can play by reducing excessive tax burdens through reviewing both current rates of IPT and extending Benefit-in-Kind exemptions, taking a more holistic view of Occupational Health that mirrors the efforts businesses up and down the country are already making, and recognising the role both businesses and low-cost health plans play in reversing the workforce sickness epidemic.
“We are at a crossroads moment for the health of our nation and economic prosperity. Employer-provided health cover doesn’t have to be expensive or only for the few. Sickness amongst the workforce is preventable with in-work provision such as health plans. We are pleased to work with The Purpose Coalition to launch our new report on how we can harness the role of business to improve access to healthcare and reduce economic inactivity.
“This report both sets out the challenges to this crisis and offers positive policy solutions for the future – to improve access to healthcare via the workplace and reduce health and social inequalities across the country.”

Rt Hon Anne Milton, former Minister of State for Health and Skills and now Purpose Coalition Engagement Director:
“As a Minister at the Department for Health, I saw the challenge of the workforce sickness epidemic, and the impact that has on the wider economy. It is vital that employers play their part in supporting their colleagues, so that they can deliver for their customers and local communities.”

Nick Forbes CBE, former Member of Keir Starmer’s Shadow Cabinet and now Purpose Coalition Engagement Director:
“The newly elected Labour government is Mission-driven – and two of its key Missions are to get the NHS back on its feet, and to get growth going again in Britain’s economy. Reversing the workforce sickness epidemic will be vital in achieving both of these.
Responsible and purpose-led employers – like those we work with at the Purpose Coalition – will have a key role to play in delivering and supporting a preventative approach to healthcare. This report sets out hope for the future, and a clear plan to support access to healthcare via the workplace to support people, businesses and the new government’s ambitions for our country.”
It is now clear that inaction is no longer an option. If the workforce sickness epidemic is not addressed, it will further strain businesses, public services and economic prosperity. With economic inactivity rising and the NHS under immense pressure, making healthcare more accessible has become an essential priority.
Improving access to healthcare via the workplace report
1 National Institute for Health and Care Research Sept 2023
2 Opinium/Simplyhealth, July 2024